What it takes to Succeed? GREAT Skillset or MINDSET?


Have you ever wondered what these words “SKILLSET” and “MINDSET” mean?

Are they any different from each other?

Ever thought about being a skillset person if you are a mindset one…

“Enhance your mindset and EXPAND your skillset”

These words mean much more than what they represent.

Let us understand the definitions of these two words:

Skillset is an ability or abilities that is needed to perform a job.

Mindsets are the established core beliefs, qualities which aids you in the how you approach a task, aiding you to flourish with your skillset.

Simply put, your established attitudes + core beliefs = your mindset

your range of ability = skillset

Effective human working:

Only with the RIGHT MINDSET, you can excel in using your skillset.

You shape your mindset — To be more precise, your perceptions, the situation you are in, and your past experiences shape your mindset.

Enhance your skillset — Any activity or ability you learn is a skill.

And how can you master a skill? By practicing it more and more.

For instance: You might be a fan of football and you can name more than 50 skilled football players all over the world.

Lionel Messi — one of the most skilled football players in the 21st century. Had he not had a mindset to back up his skill, he wouldn’t have gone this far.

No matter how many times he faced rejections and failure his mind didn’t give away

Success doesn’t come in handy. You have got to put your skill and mind into it so that you can succeed.

Take the case of any of the successful person in the world- there will always be a case of mindset that never gave away.

Now what is more difficult to ACQUIRE great Mindset or Skillset?

It is said that the learning and creation of a new mind set is more difficult than learning a new skillset as mind goes deep down to the very functioning of the personality itself.

But one of the interesting facts about mindset is that it is hidden.

One person may have the same skillsets of the other person.

But with the right mindset, he or she is able to master the skills and can outstand from the rest of the others.

If you do not have a right mindset, then having a skillset is for nothing

Let’s investigate ways to acquire new skills:

· Training

· Learning

· Observing

· Experience

You can have all the skills you want, but if it is not supported by a right mindset then it will be in vain.

Skillset and Mindset are like the head and tail of a coin. Both are needed to support one another.

But which one is superior among both?

Mindset it is ! Mindset either enables you or restrict you on how to use your skillset.

It matters more than skillset. With a right mindset, you can achieve any skillset. Have you ever wondered why many people from a poor economic background were successful? Because they had a right mindset which they put into a skill they like.

“I haven’t failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”

~Thomas Edison

You can have either a Fixed mindset or a Growth mindset

In a Fixed mindset you believe that all the talent and intelligence in you are inborn and are unchangeable. You have a convergent and rigid process of thinking if you are a fixed mindset person. They are restricted thinkers that is they never think out of the box.

On the other hand, a Growth minded person thinks in a divergent manner. Their mind travels in a lot more different direction. They are also called the rational people. They never restrict their thought process and are out of box thinkers.

How to know if you are a growth minded person? If you believe in ability that can be developed and strengthened in way of commitment and can unlearn and learn new techniques and skills with hard work.

If you are this sort of a person, then you are definitely a growth minded person.

You might have not noticed it, but mindset place an important role in acquiring enhancing one’s skillset. If you are a rational person who has growth mindset, then you are always curious to find out what’s happening around you.

You will want to make a difference by finding out the issue, addressing it and by figuring out a solution to the challenge. You have a clear vision of what you would like to do in your life.

You might not succeed all the time but still you take a calculated risk which makes you a rational minded person.

By doing this you are looking outside your comfort zone. This enables and enhances your skillset. It also helps you to prepare, face and learn from your failures which are definitely the stepping stones towards success.

Like Edison quoted “I haven’t failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”, you might also have found the ways that wont work towards your success.

Had he given up during the times he failed, we would have been in a dark era with no light.

Have you ever wondered what type of mindset helps people to succeed in life?

Success is different for different people

For me being successful is to lead a healthy and a happy life with the people I love. For some people it is monetary success.

For some it is fame or career. For some it is having materialistic prosperities. And so on.

What is your definition for success?

Success is an individual perception. But, rational people with growth mindset are said to be more successful (be it anyway they define it) in life and in career.

On the other hand, skillset is always dynamic in nature characterized by constant change and progress. Technology, Economy, communication, Business, Ecosystem are all going through a changing process which is also dynamic in nature.

But the constant evaluation of yourself and your life, what your gaps are and how to fill those gaps are the only way to enhance your mindset.

In other words, it is only the mindset that will take you somewhere.

Here are some of the tips for you to focus on mindset or skillset?

· Always being curious to face the challenge

· Giving it a shot without worrying about the outcome.

· Constant self-evaluation

· Intent an attitude to get the work done

· Commitment and hard work

· Clear communication

· Take a calculated risk

· Accept it is okay to fail

· Learn from the failure

· Use the failure as a steppingstone for the success.

Don’t worry, you are already closer to your success! Improve your skillset, utilizing your mindset.

Remember, having a skillset without mindset is like inflating a torn balloon!

***If you have read till this extent, kudos to you, your passion for success will guide you! ***

Vishnu Vardhan Nadella has shared his insights on The Guiding Voice podcast, #TGV93 he has shared a lot of insights on #skillset vs #mindset. Which of them helps someone in growing in their careers?

How to know if you are a growth minded person?

If you believe in ability that can be developed and strengthened in way of commitment and can unlearn and learn new techniques and skills with hard work.

If you are this sort of a person, then you are definitely a growth minded person.

We’d like to learn from you, how you acquired skillset and whatworked well in acquiring great mindset!

Will look forward to your comments and also feel free to share your feedback!

Also, read our previous post on “GROWING FASTER IN CORPORATE WORLDhere

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Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)
The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)

Written by The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)

On a mission to make the world a better place to LIVE through conversations that matter and conversations that add value to your life and your career

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