The Power of Energy and Sound in Healing…
Is it really possible to heal through the magical power of Sound and Energy?
Find out in today’s blog post.
To begin with, let us understand what is energy healing.
The term energy medicine trusted Source was coined in the 1980s to describe a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It’s also known as:
* energy healing
* subtle energy healing
* mind-body medicine
* vibrational medicine
It’s based on the belief that the body is permeated by an energy field that can affect our health and well-being, also called subtle energy, vibrational energy, or simply life force.
Known as qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine or prana in Ayurveda, it’s believed that we can work with this energy to find balance and healing.
What is Sound Healing?
It is a practice that uses vibrations in the form of Gongs, Tibetan singing bowls, and Tuning forks to relax the emotional and physical well-being.
Sound can bring up hidden emotions but very powerful energy to dislodge certain suppressed emotions which remain in your emotional body. Sound healing works on the energy body. Every cell in our body vibrates at a certain frequency, our complete body could be understood as an orchestra of all the different parts of the body vibrating at a different frequency. As we grow in life each & every body part holds some impressions, memories and this may lead to some of the parts may go out of tune, hence retuning is required. When we are vibrating at low frequency, we feel stuck and when we are vibrating at high frequency, we feel lighter and move forward easily.
Cymatics is the study of visible sound vibration and shows the transformational nature of sound and matter. Entrainment is defined by a temporal locking process in which one system’s motion or signal frequency entrains the frequency of another system. This process is a universal phenomenon that can be observed in physical (e.g., pendulum clocks) and biological systems (e.g., fireflies).
Sound healing works on these two theories whereby allowing the most consistent & stronger frequency to overtake everything.
“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system”
~Hazrat Inayat Khan
But, Who should opt for sound healing?
Sound healing sessions are considered when you want to relax or heal your emotional body or bring your mind, body & spirit to an equanimous state.
The healing sessions will allow us to accept or Receive as a recipient.
To Learn Sound Healing, one must understand how healing works. Healing does not work with the left-brain person who is more logical, and analytical and does not trust without facts. Healing works with the right brain and with Heart space. Somebody who has an open mind and wants to explore can learn this type of healing, one should not be an expert in music.
Though Music has also a healing effect sound healing is being practiced at the frequency & vibrations and music is a form of sounds arranged in a particular format.
What are Gong baths?
Gong baths are a type of inactive meditation, where you “bathe” (getting immersed) in the healing vibrations of sound. Using sound as a form of healing dates to ancient cultures. Records of using gongs have surfaced from as early as ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman times.
A gong bath, or gong meditation, is a form of sound healing designed to offer:
* relaxation
* emotional release
* pain relief
Gong bath sessions take place either individually or in a group and generally last between 45 minutes and 2 hours.
Did you know that Healing has become a full-time profession?
Healing as a Career:
To become a healer, first, one must get healed and start the journey of self-healing. Any healing modalities need to be practiced on oneself before we start healing others. Self-healing is a way to experience the magic of understanding the different dimensions of our existence. There are many energy healing modalities. Energy healing is also known as an alternate medicine, though it does not replace modern medicines to cure physical ailments, it plays a vital role in understanding the human life not only as a physical body but its existence in different dimensions and then healing at every level.
What is Ho’oponopono?
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice that involves learning to heal all things by accepting “Total Responsibility” for everything that surrounds us — confession, repentance, and reconciliation. The word ho’oponopono roughly translates to “cause things to move back in balance” or to “make things right.” It’s a very zen concept. (In the native Hawaiian language, “pono” means balance, in the sense of “life.” When things are in balance, nothing is off track).
The Ho’oponopono prayer goes like this: “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.” We usually say these words every day, but when this prayer is said repetitively with a set intention, it has a greater impact in clearing all that we hold on to, suppressed emotions.
Dr Hew Len brought this to the western world, he is a Hawaiian Psychotherapist. He translated this spiritual practice into a Psychotherapist practice. Dr Hew Len was assigned to heal a facility of mentally ill criminals. He went there and did something astounding. He read the records of every patient at the centre and started healing himself having empathized with each story and cured the patients without meeting them. The healing process involved thinking about the mindset of those patients and asking for forgiveness by connecting with them at a subconscious level.
You can read more about this in the book “Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace and More”
According to Hawaiian beliefs, we have a spiritual body, mental body, and emotional body, which are all a part of our physical body. The art of Ho’oponopono is to connect the three minds and process in healing the world by healing oneself.
1. I’m Sorry: Saying sorry is like admitting responsibility and is an important part of the healing in Ho’oponopono. By saying sorry, you are accepting and receiving the healing energies.
2. Please Forgive me: is a form of asking for an apology from the universe, it is a cleansing method that removes negativity. Forgiveness is a healing method in Ho’oponopono that helps you move on in life.
3. Thank you: Gratitude towards the universe is an important part of the healing process in Ho’oponopono. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that brings in the fresh air of positivity.
4. I love you: Love yourself, God, Universe, your body, the house you live in, and your surroundings, and spread the love. Love is another powerful emotion, which makes us feel warm and secure and it accelerates the healing process in Ho’oponopono.
To attend Preeta’s workshop on Ho’oponopono:
How do Energy and Vibration work?
Our left brain wants to understand, and our right brain wants to feel. Hence being left-brained, it won’t be possible to know how this works, so drop this thought and just decide to experience it, so it’s the right brain’s role to feel & experience how energy & vibrations work. We feel the vibes (vibrations) of anybody with whom we interact, talk, and look at. Our emotions are graded as high frequency (like gratitude, love, and almost all positive emotions) & low frequency (like anger, fear, confusion, and negative emotions). To elevate the energies practicing gratitude helps to lift us from low frequency to high frequency. Start practicing gratitude which will make things better even in the worst situation.
How to find what’s your true purpose as the person you are?
The purpose of human existence is just to be fully present in every moment. Knowing truly who we are, and breaking the template defined & designed by society, making choices that are more conscious and in alignment with the purpose of life will make our life more experiential.
A short story: When a woodcutter was asked what he will do next after he is enlightened, he said he will still cut the wood because that is the purpose of his life.
About Preeta Pradhan: a Personal Life Coach for personal growth & transformation, She has literally discovered this path as she lifted herself out of a dark space in her personal life. To suffer is a choice and one can choose not to be, was a revelation. Seeing someone in a similar place or living under the illusion that suffering is not her reality by denying acknowledging it is something she finds impossible. It’s her life’s purpose to make each person free from any kind of emotional bondage by walking through it — not by ignoring it. And while tools and techniques are effective, Sound & Energy are magical. What a session in Sound can achieve, effortlessly…takes much work when done using the cognitive mind.
From a Computer Programmer in 1985 to a Coach & Healer in 2020, decidedly it’s been a ride for her. Re-invention has been her identity.
This blog post has a few excerpts from #TGV228, which you may tune into the full episode by clicking link(s) in the first comment.
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