The Guiding Voice(TGV) made it to the Global Top 2.5% and is now officially the world’s only QUADRILINGUAL podcast


Here is the Summary/round-up of everything that happened at The Guiding Voice, for the week ending Jan 27th, 2024.

Excited to share that we are inching towards the target of reaching The Global Top 1%. As of last week, TGV ranks among the Top 2.5% across the globe. As per

TGV Hindi — Completed 1 year this week :) — more details to follow

TGV Kannada — Launched introduction episode on the account of #indiarepubicday — Click here for more

Interviews scheduled:

Hindi: Darshil Shah

English: Casey Welch

#thinkhatkewithtgv Newsletter: Didn’t publish anything(super busy week with a lot of stuff happening)

Podcast Episodes(in the order of release):

#TGV433 (English) Ft. Kee Siang LeeManaging change effectively through stakeholder engagement

#TGV434 (English) Ft. Sonja BajicMapping Creativity — A journey from Novi Sad to Paris

#TGV435 (English) Ft. Diana Silva FrancoCommunicating in Silence

#TGVT86 (Telugu) Ft. Ravindra KambhampatiOpen heart with Pithapuram Chroicles author Ravindra Kambhampati on Self-reflection

#TGV436 (English) Ft. Fabienne Guichon-LindholmUnderstanding the Transformation Cycle

#TGV437 (English) Ft. Lyndsay Whitby, PCC, CPCCHealing the body and achieving personal growth

#TGV438 (English) Ft. Alex BairBuilding The common work culture across the globe

#TGVH53 (Hindi) Ft. Everester Megha Parmar in conversation with Naveen Samala — Candid and unfiltered talk with the Everest Girl Megha Parmar Thanks to Roshni Gupta for the connection

#TGVK0 (Kannada) Ft. Prathibha Kavyashree, MEHABOOB BASHA, Sangeeta Doni & Naveen SamalaTGV Kannads Introduction

#TGV439 (English) Ft. Simon Tratnik 🚀Mastering product strategy by navigating tech trends

#TGV is officially the world’s only Quadrilingual podcast with 560+ episodes ft. 530+ Guests from 70+ different countries.

We are on a mission to make the world a better place to live through #conversationsthatmatter and #conversations that #addvalue to your #lifeandcareer

Here are the YouTube Channels:


The Guiding Voice

TGV Telugu

TGV Hindi

TGV Kannada

I request you to Tunein, subscribe, and socialize the links with your near and dear ones — so they can benefit from our content too.

If you are an IT professional/Leader/ a CXO/a startup founder, a serial entrepreneur, a leadership/life coach, a senior industry leader, or an academician and are interested in sharing your knowledge/wisdom with the world(through TGV and other forums), please fill this form. We will get in touch with you soon.

Let us shape the careers and lives of millions across the globe through one story(one conversation) at a time.

Could you come, and be part of the cause? We can create an impact!

#naveensamala #theguidingvoice #makeadifference #careergrowth #careertransition #conversationsthatmatter

Originally published at



The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)
The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)

Written by The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)

On a mission to make the world a better place to LIVE through conversations that matter and conversations that add value to your life and your career

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