
Can an entrepreneur be a good leader?

Can a good leader become a successful entrepreneur?

In today’s post, we’d like to share 4 things that one must know about leadership vs entrepreneurship

First, let us understand the nuances of leadership

Leadership is one of the important skills one should possess.

Leading people in the right way by sharing the information one possesses is a talent one can always build.

For many people, it’s the self-business they have started.

For some, it is a start-up.

And for others, it is a solution one is providing to society.

In other words, it is the help and support one offers to his culture.

There are lots of leaders in the corporate world who are in their respective positions because of the experience and skills they have gained.

Here are the 4 important factors of leadership and entrepreneurship!

1. The 3 ‘I’ principle

Inspire, Influence and Impact are the three ‘I’ principles one should inherit in their life.

When you are looking for motivation, everything around you starts to inspire you.

It could be from nature, people, situations, and opportunities.

This inspiration that you have gained from the surrounding then starts to influence you!

When there is an inspiration that had an influence on you, you are ready to make a larger impact with it.

These three I’s which are action bound, are being used by major corporate leaders for their success.

The 3 I’s are then extrapolated to three C’s which are: -

· Connect with the right heart and mind of people.

· Collaborate with them for the best.

· Create a larger impact.

These six words are very important for everyone who wish to be successful.

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. -Jack Welch

2. Leadership qualities in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship in a sense is providing solutions to the society for the problems they are not able to solve.

One is providing help, solutions, ideas, support, and service to the people around.

The mindset entrepreneurship should possess ought to be more on giving.

A leader is born from the hurdles and the battles he or she had fought.

And there are many corporate entrepreneurs who have become a leader from the experience and the years of service they provided.

The skillset and the quality of work also are other factors for their good work.

I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.

~Steve Jobs

3. First- time Entrepreneurs

On the base level, some bit of experience is required on understanding what life is all about.

First-time entrepreneurs should understand the type of problem they are facing and trying to solve. Having many ideas and working towards establishing those are some of the tips for first-time entrepreneurs.

· You must take a calculated risk and should take one step at a time.

· One must always remember to go with the flow.

Always remember to go with the heart for bigger decisions and with the mind for smaller decisions.

4. Entrepreneurial leadership Vs corporate leadership

Entrepreneurship leadership is not bound by many restrictions and there is different space for you to try. There is more flexibility in this type of leadership.

On the other hand, in THE corporate leadership, you won’t be able to exercise what you want the way you want it because you are bound by certain restrictions and norms.

It is said that when you are trying to make a change or a bigger impact on society, you are of the entrepreneurial mindset.

An entrepreneurial mindset comes with more flexibility, resilience, risk-taking ability, and collected and connected sets.

In THE corporate leadership, ideas are under certain authoritative decisions and norms.

This blog post has a few excerpts from The Guiding Voice podcast Episode 197 ft. Bhavana Rao. (Episode link in the first comment)

Are you aware of a great entrepreneur that inspired through his/her leadership? We’d love to connect with them

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The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)
The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)

Written by The Guiding Voice(Think Hatke with TGV)

On a mission to make the world a better place to LIVE through conversations that matter and conversations that add value to your life and your career

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